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Get your calendar handy;  you're going to be busy!​

WOW offers many Activity Groups that meet monthly.  Once you're a paid member, you'll receive a monthly newsletter and a calendar of events via email.

Members may contact the VP of Membership at to be added to the activity distribution list for groups.  Do not contact the Activity Leader directly as they do not keep the official list.

Remember, Prospective Members are invited to attend two events before joining WOW and current members can attend as many activities as they wish.


Book Bites is a group of reading enthusiasts that meet monthly either in person or via zoom to discuss the book of the month, socialize and enjoy light refreshments (when meeting in person). Group meets at a members home (signup to host) or at a predetermined location or via zoom.​​


Chicks at the Flicks is a group of movie buffs who go to a local theater together to see a predetermined movie. Before or after the movie the group optionally enjoys a bite to eat and socialize. Local movie theater is determined by where and when the selected movie is showing. Movie is selected by a group vote.


Coffee & Conversation If you enjoy a chance to get together for coffee or perhaps a pastry or quiche and like to meet and socialize with other members this is the group for you. Meets at a member's home who volunteered to host or at a predetermined location.


Cribbage Is a fun card game and traditionally scoring is kept on a rectangular cribbage board by moving pegs. There are two parts to the scoring and can be played with 2, 3 or 4 people. Lessons will be offered as well as recommendations for online cribbage games to help build experience The group typically meets at Panera in Salem unless a member volunteers to host.


Dinner Club Each month there is a different theme and the theme may be aligned to a holiday, season, or food from a given country A sign-up sheet is sent out and members of this group sign up for an entrée, side, appetizer, dessert or 'beverage'. The number of guests that can sign-up is dependent upon the member host's capacity.


Divas with Dice Bunco is a fun and easy game of dice and requires no skill or prior experience. Members take turn hosting and light refreshments are served.


Game Night If you like to play games, have fun, socialize and snack then this is the group for you. It is a fun night of playing board games, card games, or other types of group games. Sometimes you can be playing individually or other times you may be part of a team. Members take turn hosting.


Lunch Bunch If you enjoy going out for lunch and trying different types of food this group is for you. Monthly, the activity leader selects a relatively local restaurant. Occasionally there is a special restaurant within an hour drive and members carpool. Depending upon the location the lunch can turn into an extended afternoon out of shopping, socializing, or sightseeing.


Mahjong If you have experience playing Mahjong this group is for you. Mahjong is a tile based game that was developed in the 19th century in China It typically is played by 4 players at each table and we play American Mahjong and use the current published Mahjong league card. Meets at the Windham Senior Center.


Members Helping Members If you want to help out a member who may be going through a tough time and may need a little help or encouragement or a cheery card this group is for you. On an as needed basis, members of this group might provide rides to a doctors appointment, meals, or a grocery pick-up or a friendly visit.


Pop-Up Events Members may organize a random event, such as a visit to a winery, a hike, a museum, a sunflower festival etc. The proposed event would be sent to the board email with the request to email to the all of the members. Responses would then be forwarded to the requesting member and they would be responsible for sending out all additional event details, and any related coordination such as ticket purchasing (if applies), carpooling info, to those who responded yes to join their pop-up event and manage further correspondence.


Scrabble If you enjoy playing scrabble you will have fun in this group. It is a relaxing, non-competivie group of ladies. No prior scrabble experience needed. The group meets at the Leach Library in Londonderry.


Welcome to WOW is a special group for our newest members (who may or may not be new to greater Windham). We will typically have a few get togethers after you join to help you meet other new members and get to know a few familiar faces who are already members of the group so that you are more comfortable joining the activities. We are here to answer questions about the activities, Windham life and to get to know you better.​​​​



Image by Syh

Activity Groups

Create a new Activity Group!


Do you have a special talent you'd like to share with the club?  Is there something you'd really like to learn or do, but don't know where to begin?


WOW encourages members to create new Activity Groups!  Please contact our VP of Activities at  to learn how easy it is to do!


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